ASN 1 UPER encoder / decoder

I wanted to encode and decode a message in a JAVA project according to the UPER ASN 1 standard. Apparently JAC (Java Asn.1 Compiler) and BouncyCastle do not support PER and UPER encoder and decoder. Are there any other tools for JAVA? I appreciate any help


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1 answer

ITU-T maintains a list of applications online , although I'm not sure if any of the free ones support Java and PER / UPER, However, almost all are commercial products, and you should be able to find free online assessments for them.

If you want to use C instead of Java (and perhaps expose the API using JNI), there is an open source Lev Walkin compiler available. I'm not sure how good the PER support is (it doesn't say it supports canonical PER encoding, like just basic). It also qualifies the support for information objects (a common feature in many 3GPP specifications) as "basic", which is a bit vague.

In general, open source applications are a bit of a mixed bag when compared to commercial applications. This is not a real surprise (ASN.1 hard!), But it makes it hard to get a zero budget.



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