PHP Match String Pattern and Get Variable

I've searched for some links like this question and this question , but couldn't figure out what I need to do.

I am trying to do the following:

Let's say I have two lines:

$str1 = "link/usa";
$str2 = "link/{country}";


Now I want to check if the pattern matches the pattern. If they match, I want the country value to be set to usa.

$country = "usa";


I also want it to work in cases like:

$str1 = "link/usa/texas";
$str2 = "link/{country}/{place}";


Maybe whole numbers. Like combining all curly braces and assigning a value to the variable. (And, yes, it's better if possible)

I can't seem to work as I am very new to regex. Thank you in advance.


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2 answers

This will give you the results as expected

$str1 = "link/usa";
$str2 = "link/{country}";

if(preg_match('~link/([a-z]+)~i', $str1, $matches1) && preg_match('~link/{([a-z]+)}~i', $str2, $matches2)){
    $$matches2[1] = $matches1[1];
    echo $country;


Note. The above code will just parse alphabets, you can expand the characters in the range as needed.


You can also do it with explode

, see example below:

$val1 = explode('/', $str1);
$val2 = explode('/', $str2);
${rtrim(ltrim($val2[1],'{'), '}')} = $val1[1];
echo $country;



$str1 = "link/usa/texas/2/";
$str2 = "/link/{country}/{city}/{page}";

if(preg_match_all('~/([a-z0-9]+)~i', $str1, $matches1) && preg_match_all('~{([a-z]+)}~i', $str2, $matches2)){

    foreach($matches2[1] as $key => $matches){
        $$matches = $matches1[1][$key];
    echo $country; 
    echo '<br>';
    echo $city;
    echo '<br>';
    echo $page;




I don't see any point in using a key as a variable name if you can build an associative array that is probably more convenient to use later and avoids ugly dynamic variable names ${the_name_of_the_var_${of_my_var_${of_your_var}}}


$str1 = "link/usa/texas";
$str2 = "link/{country}/{place}";

function combine($pattern, $values) {
    $keys = array_map(function ($i) { return trim($i, '{}'); },
                      explode('/', $pattern));
    $values = explode('/', $values);

    if (array_shift($keys) == array_shift($values) && count($keys) &&
        count($keys) == count($values))
        return array_combine($keys, $values);
    else throw new Exception ("invalid format");

print_r(combine($str2, $str1));




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