In sql split row1 by row, row2 by row3 ...... and keep the output third column

I have this table. Now I need to do division on the amt column and update the int CalcAmt data

month  amt   CalcAmt
JAN   10000  NULL
FEB   20000  NULL
MAR   30000  NULL
APR   40000  NULL


eg: (FEB / JAN) then save the output to CalcAmt Feb, (MAR / FEB) then save the output to CalcAmt of MAR,

Expected Result:

month  amt   CalcAmt
JAN   10000  0
FEB   20000  2
MAR   30000  1.5
APR   40000  1.33



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1 answer

This can be easily done with LEAD/LAG

. Since you are using Sql Server 2008

, you cannot use the function LEAD/LAG

. Instead, use can generate a row number for each row and join one table with row number + 1 to get the data of the previous row.

Note. You need to add the remaining months

order in case

if you have one.

As a side note, you shouldn't use reserved keywords as the ex object name : MONTH

;WITH cte 
     AS (SELECT Rn=CASE [month] 
                     WHEN 'Jan' THEN 1 
                     WHEN 'feb' THEN 2 
                     WHEN 'mar' THEN 3 
                     ELSE 4 
         FROM   YOURTABLE) 
SELECT A.month, 
       CalcAmt = A.amt / NULLIF(b.amt ,0)
FROM   cte A 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN cte B 
                    ON A.rn = b.rn + 1 


If you want to update the table use this.

;WITH cte 
     AS (SELECT Rn=CASE [month] 
                     WHEN 'Jan' THEN 1 
                     WHEN 'feb' THEN 2 
                     WHEN 'mar' THEN 3 
                     ELSE 4 
         FROM   YOURTABLE) 
SET    C.calcamt = D.calcamt 
FROM   cte C 
       INNER JOIN (SELECT A.month, 
                          calcamt=A.amt / b.amt 
                   FROM   cte A 
                          LEFT OUTER JOIN cte B 
                                       ON A.rn = b.rn + 1) D 
               ON C.[month] = D.[month] 




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