Error while connecting files using the PhoneGap EMailComposer plugin

I am using the Phonegap plugin EMailComposer from Android to send an attachment, but when the mail client (gmail app) opens, I always get the same "file cannot be attached" error.

This is the code I am using:{    
                        to: 'XX',
                        subject: 'XX',
                        body:    'XX',
                        attachments: '//file.csv'


I'm sure the path is correct, because when I use any other file path, the error changes to "the attached file cannot be empty".

I am using cordova CLI 4.0.0 and plugin version 0.8.2. I tested it in Android 4.4.2 and 4.2.1

Any idea?


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1 answer

As per the documentation, you need to use

 attachments: 'file:///storage/sdcard/icon.png', //=> Android


but it didn't work for me, so I tried without storage

and it works for me. (I'm using Android 5.1.1 for my tests, so I don't know if this works in your case for Android 4.x)


attachments: 'file:///sdcard/file.csv




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