Raspberry camera error: "mmal: data not received from sensor"

I have used my crimson camera successfully once ago. Now I tried to get the image again using the command raspistill -o image.jpg

; the red LED on the camera is flashing, but I am getting this error:

mmal: No data received from sensor. 
Check all connections, including the Sunny one on the camera board


Of course, camera connections are fine. Is there any other way to check if the camera is working?


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5 answers

This error usually appears due to a faulty connection to the camera. I had the same problem on different camera + Pi configurations. The following case is what I ran into:

  • The connector is not properly inserted into either the camera or the Pi.
  • The solar connector (small yellow on the camera) is not well connected. (now this is getting interesting).
  • If you frequently remove and reinsert the camera into the Pi, be sure to remove all power from the Pi. The sensor is very sensitive and a spark on the wrong pin could burn it. (I did this already unfortunately) This can also cause problems with the Pi connector pins. It has been somewhat confirmed that for the Pi2, the connector may have poor soldering, which can lead to cold contact soldering. You can fix this by using some thread on the pins and then pipe the hot end of the soldering iron to the pins to redo the connection.
  • I used a longer cable with two connectors on one side of the cable. If you plug it in like you can record your sensor and the Pi won't start due to overvoltage (in which case the camera gets very hot). DO NOT REMOVE IT FROM PI without deleting it first. On a cable like this, you have to remove the blue plastic from one end and bend the connector with the pins on the other side. Push this end into the camera, as it won't be removed / inserted as often as the end of the Pi.


The only fix for me was purchasing a new camera.

  • No real root cause identified.

  • My problem was that I inserted the camera when the Pi was on. who could take a picture of the camera. those. the camera module is sensitive to static electricity and may be damaged

Unfortunately, if this is the case, then there is nothing you can really do to fix it, just get a replacement.



I was also experiencing the same problem until I found a solution.

I removed the solar connector (yellow little thing under the camera on the board) and secured it there also . The camera works fine after trying this.



Make sure the silver pins are well seated in the connector on the PCB. (video here)

Also make sure the solar connector is securely attached. Sunny connector

This fixed it for me.



I have the same problem. I found it to be a power supply issue .
Try replacing the Raspberry cable and / or power adapter.

To check if this is the cause of your problem, enter:
$ dmesg

if you see something like this:
[ 44.152029] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)

-> Then replace the power supply !: D



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