AppendHtml () does not add full HTML Dart

The following code works in DartPad as shown in the image below:

void main() {
  Element e = querySelector('table');

  String someValue = 'hello, world';
  int anotherValue = 23958;

  Element row = new




However, when I compile the same code using dart2js ( dart2js -c -o app.js app.dart

) and run it on the same page, the created one is <td>

completely deleted and I end up with:

  <tr>hello, world 23958</tr>


The same problem occurs when the actual .dart file is used <script src="...">

with Dartium (v39.0.2171.0 x64). I'm on Dart v1.11.1.

Some testing:






This gives the same as above:



The only way I could get him to give me what I want is this:

..append(new = someValue)
..append(new = anotherValue.toString());



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3 answers

Dart 1.11 made changes to appendHTML to sanitize HTML input.

To avoid this, you can pass on a disinfectant that does nothing.

class MySanitizer implements NodeTreeSanitizer {
  void sanitizeTree(Node node) {}

document.body.appendHtml('<td>fish</td>', treeSanitizer: new MySanitizer());




This is mistake. Should be corrected at the edge of the bleeding very shortly, the correction is in the field of view. Basically, sanitation creates a piece of document for disinfection. This was misusing the context, so it was trying to create it as it was under the body, and the table elements don't work there.



This is because JS doesn't support multi-line strings, you will need to structure it like this:

'<td>TEXT</td>' +







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