How to compare MS-Access and last modified dates of tables, queries, forms, etc.?

I like to create a list when tables, queries, forms, etc. were created and updated in an Access 2010 database.

In theory this is possible with a little VBA code, but unfortunately this code shows incorrect information. I tested it myself and it's confirmed by Microsoft here:

Access shows the correct modified date in the navbar, but it doesn't seem to be possible to access that information via VBA or any table. I searched the internet for this a while ago and several people confirmed this issue but no one answered.

Now my question is: Does anyone know how to export the correct modified date information from Access (shown in the navigation bar)?

If this is not possible (my current research shows this), does anyone know of a reliable way to compare one database file to another and show all the differences in tables, queries, forms, etc.?

It's all about the design of Access objects, not any data stored in tables.


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2 answers

This article describes why the property LastUpdated

doesn't give you what you want for database objects such as forms and reports. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell you what you can use DateModified

from the appropriate collection CurrentProject

for them.

For example, consider this screen capture of a form in a navigation bar:

Navigation pane showing a form

When referencing this form in the Documents collection, LastUpdated

and DateCreated

both return the same value:

? CurrentDb.Containers("Forms").Documents("Form1").DateCreated
8/20/2012 10:51:07 PM 
? CurrentDb.Containers("Forms").Documents("Form1").LastUpdated
8/20/2012 10:51:07 PM


However, DateModified

for the same form, the collection CurrentProject.AllForms

gives you the value that is displayed in the Navigation Pane:

? CurrentProject.AllForms("Form1").DateModified
7/1/2015 6:47:40 AM 


Note that you can also get DateCreated

through AllForms


? CurrentProject.AllForms("Form1").DateCreated
8/20/2012 10:51:07 PM 


Other collections CurrentProject

include AllMacros

:; AllModules

; and AllReports

. Remember that modules are saved together, therefore it DateModified

shows the time at which the last project was saved. This means that each module will show the same time as in the navigation bar.



Here is a function that will fetch the correct information (except modules):

Public Function fGetObjectModifiedDate(Object_Name As String, Object_Type As Integer) As Variant
' Get the correct Modified Date of the passed object.  MSysObjects and DAO are not accurate for all object types.

' Based on a tip from Philipp Stiefel <>
' Getting the last modified date with this line of code does indeed return incorrect results.
'   ? CurrentDb.Containers("Forms").Documents("Form1").LastUpdated
' But, that is not what we use to receive the last modified date, except for queries, where the above line is working correctly.
' What we use instead is:
'   ? CurrentProject.AllForms("Form1").DateModified

    Select Case Object_Type
        Case 5 ' Query
            fGetObjectModifiedDate = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(Object_Name).LastUpdated
        Case -32768 ' Form
            fGetObjectModifiedDate = CurrentProject.AllForms(Object_Name).DateModified
'            fGetObjectModifiedDate = CurrentDb.Containers("Forms").Documents(Object_Name).LastUpdated
        Case -32764 ' Report
            fGetObjectModifiedDate = CurrentProject.AllReports(Object_Name).DateModified
        Case -32766 ' Macro
            fGetObjectModifiedDate = CurrentProject.AllMacros(Object_Name).DateModified
        Case -32761 ' Module
            ' This will report the date that *ANY* module was last saved.
            ' The CurrentDb.Containers method and MSysObjects will report the date created.
            fGetObjectModifiedDate = CurrentProject.AllModules(Object_Name).DateModified
        Case Else
            ' Do nothing.  Return Null.
    End Select

End Function


Disclaimer: I am referring to the answer to a similar question that I posted.



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