Extract data from json inside mysql field
I have a table with rows and one of the rows has a data field like this
And I want to select all the distinct "city" values ββthat I have. Only using mysql server.
Is it possible? I am trying with something like this
SELECT id FROM table_name WHERE field_name REGEXP '"key_name":"([^"]*)key_word([^"]*)"';
But I can't seem to get regexp to work
Thank you in advance
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MySQL got JSON support in version 5.7.7 http://mysqlserverteam.com/json-labs-release-native-json-data-type-and-binary-format/ You can use the jsn_extract function to parse your JSON string efficiently.
If you have an older version and want to solve it exclusively in mysql, then I'm afraid you should treat it as a string and strip the value out of it (just regular string functions or use regex) This is not elegant but will work
DISTINCT(substring(jsonfield, locate('"city":',jsonfield)+8,
locate('","', jsonfield, locate('"city":',jsonfield))-locate('"city":',jsonfield)-8)
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I wrapped this in a stored function for those limited to MySQL and lt; 5.7.7:
CREATE FUNCTION `json_extract_string`(
p_json text,
p_key text
) RETURNS varchar(40) CHARSET latin1
SET @pattern = CONCAT('"', p_key, '":"');
SET @start_i = LOCATE(@pattern, p_json) + CHAR_LENGTH(@pattern);
if @start_i = CHAR_LENGTH(@pattern) then
SET @end_i = 0;
SET @end_i = LOCATE('"', p_json, @start_i) - @start_i;
end if;
RETURN SUBSTR(p_json, @start_i, @end_i);
Note that this only works with string values, but is more reliable than @DmitryK's answer, since it returns an empty string if the key is not found, and the key can be anywhere in the JSON string.
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See MariaDB Dynamic Columns .
Also, search this forum for [mysql] [json]; the topic was often discussed.
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