Unframed Tkinter Label Image

This is my first post. I visit Stack Overflow frequently and I used to always find answers to all my questions, but not today.

I'm trying to display images as shortcuts in a window, but not the way I thought Tkinter would display them. In other words. I have some small images that need to be placed next to each other without spaces. But besides all my efforts, Tkinter always places a small border or gap (maybe 1-2 pixels) between two adjacent elements.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

class MainWindow():

def __init__(self, mainWidget):

    self.status_bar_text = StringVar()

    self.image_to_place = PhotoImage(file='my_image.png')

    self.main_frame = ttk.Frame(mainWidget, width=768, height=480, padding=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    self.main_frame.place(x=0, y=0)

    self.status_bar = ttk.Label(mainWidget, width=768, border=1, anchor=W, relief=SUNKEN, textvariable=self.status_bar_text)
    self.status_bar.place(x=0, y=480)


def main_gui(self):
    i = 0
    plate_cords = [[0, 0], [24, 0], [48, 0], [72, 0], [96, 0], [120, 0]]

    for plate in plate_cords:
        self.wall_label = ttk.Label(self.main_frame, image=self.image_to_place)
        self.wall_label.place(x=plate_cords[i][0], y=plate_cords[i][1])
        i += 1
    del i

def main():
    global root
    root = Tk()
    root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
    root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

    window = MainWindow(root)


if __name__ == '__main__':


I've tried options like "borderwidth", "padding", "bordermode" and a few other tricks, and nothing works as I'm guessing. Thanks for any help and ideas.


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3 answers

There are two attributes that must be set to 0 (zero): borderwidth

and highlightthickness

. borderwidth

(along with relief

) defines the actual border of the widget. highlightthickness

also defines the sorting border - it is a rectangular ring that is visible when the widget has focus.



I have an image width of 237x37.

from tkinter import*
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import font

top = Tk()
C = Canvas(top, bg="#0026D1", height=480, width=800)

LabelsFont = font.Font(family='DejaVu Sans', size=10, weight='bold')
filenameLabel1 = PhotoImage(file = "/home/autorun/Desktop/pictures/štítok1.png")
Label1 = tk.Label(top, wraplength = 230, font=LabelsFont, fg="white", text="PRETLAK NA VSTUPE",image=filenameLabel1,borderwidth=0,compound="center",highlightthickness = 0,padx=0,pady=0)



If there is no width and height in Label1.place method, you must use pady = 0, padx = 0, borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0, or you must use Label1.place with image width and height with borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0.

Second way in my code:

Label1 = tk.Label(top, wraplength = 230, font=LabelsFont, fg="white", text="PRETLAK NA VSTUPE",image=filenameLabel1,borderwidth=0,compound="center",highlightthickness = 0)




It worked better for me:

Label(..., state='normal')




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