How can I create a json like variable inside a php class?

How can I create a json like variable inside a php class? Example:

    class person {
        var $details;
        var $name;
        function set_name($new_name) {
            $this->name = $new_name; 
        function get_name() {
            return $this->name; 


So, it $details

will look something like this:

{ address: '', birthdate: '', email: ''}


Then I would access it like:

var x = new person();



source to share

2 answers

Make it an associative array:

$details = array('address' => '123 Main St', 
                 'birthdate' => '2001-02-03', 
                 'email' => ""


Then you will access it like:





You need a function json_decode


First, assign the construct to JSON

an instance variable, something like this:


class Person {
    public $details;
    public $name;
    function __construct($name, $details) {
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->details = json_decode($details);




Then you can access the property of the object like this:


$person = new person('Noman', '{ "property1": "value1" }');




You can adapt the design of the class to your needs, but that gives you a basic idea of ​​how to do it.



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