PHP: create array from XML string

I want to make an array of players sorted by salary order from the following XML. Notice that I am already sorting basketball teams by salary.

$string = <<<EOS
<Players>Tom, Jack, Sue</Players>
<Players>Josh, Lee, Carter, Bennett</Players>
<Players>Mary, Jimmy, Nancy</Players>

$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);

$trees = $xml->xpath('/Sports_Team/Basketball');

function sort_trees($t1, $t2) {
    return strcmp($t1['salary'], $t2['salary']);

usort($trees, 'sort_trees');


I want to create an array of players from $trees

. How to create an array object in such a way that:

[0]-> Mary, Jimmy, Nancy
[1]-> Josh, Lee, Carter, Bennett
[2]-> Tom, Jack, Sue


Also, once I have saved my array, how do I print it out visually?


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2 answers

Basically you did everything right, except for a few tiny bits, which I will cover below :)

  • In your custom comparison function "sort_trees" it is best to compare an integer directly rather than a string, so there is no need to compare a string using (strcmp).
  • Also you can use the method uasort()

    instead usort()

    to support the association of indexes

so your code, with a little change, could be something like this: and finally I use a method print_r()

to print the array as you request


function sort_trees_by_salary($t1, $t2)
    return (int)$t1['salary'] > (int)$t2['salary'];

function sort_trees_by_number_of_players($t1, $t2)
    return substr_count($t1->Players, ',') > substr_count($t2->Players, ',');

$string = <<<EOS
<Players>Tom, Jack, Sue</Players>
<Players>Josh, Lee, Carter, Bennett</Players>
<Players>Mary, Jimmy, Nancy</Players>

$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);

$trees = $xml->xpath('/Sports_Team/Basketball');

// Lets say you want to sort by salary
uasort($trees, 'sort_trees_by_salary');
$results = [];
foreach ($trees as $tree) {
    $results[] = (string)$tree->Players;

echo 'Sorted by Salary:';

// Lets say you want to sort by number of players
uasort($trees, 'sort_trees_by_number_of_players');
$results = [];
foreach ($trees as $tree) {
    $results[] = (string)$tree->Players;

echo 'Sorted by number of players:';



Sorted by Salary:Array
    [0] => Mary, Jimmy, Nancy
    [1] => Josh, Lee, Carter, Bennett
    [2] => Tom, Jack, Sue
Sorted by number of players:Array
    [0] => Mary, Jimmy, Nancy
    [1] => Tom, Jack, Sue
    [2] => Josh, Lee, Carter, Bennett


Please note: given a custom compare function works with a link, the above example will be applied to both sorting methods on your dataset, ordering the list first based on salary and second based on the number of players



Assuming you have PHP 5.3+, try this:

$playersArray = array_map(
    create_function('$inputArray', 'return (string) $inputArray->Players;'),


For example:

php > var_dump($playersArray);
array(3) {
  string(18) "Mary, Jimmy, Nancy"
  string(26) "Josh, Lee, Carter, Bennett"
  string(14) "Tom, Jack, Sue"


If you are using old PHP, you need to use a real (not anonymous) function for array_map()

or use create_function()


$playersArray = array_map(
    create_function('$inputArray', 'return (array) $inputArray->Players;'),


To answer the last part, how do you print it out visually, well, it depends! If you just want to dump it to view it for debugging purposes, use var_dump()

or print_r()

. Both take an array variable as the only required argument. var_dump()

is a little more verbose.

This is var_dump()

( manual ):

php > var_dump($playersArray);
array(3) {
  string(18) "Mary, Jimmy, Nancy"
  string(26) "Josh, Lee, Carter, Bennett"
  string(14) "Tom, Jack, Sue"


This is print_r()

( manual ):

php > print_r($playersArray);
    [0] => Mary, Jimmy, Nancy
    [1] => Josh, Lee, Carter, Bennett
    [2] => Tom, Jack, Sue


Otherwise, to process and output the output for end users based on an array, you will most likely want to skip and process it, or use array_map()

similarly to the above to generate output. Also, if you want to experiment with this in the PHP Console similar to what I did in my examples, you can run php -a

and enter your code at the prompt.


To answer the question from the comments, try this:

/* Sort by the number of ',' characters in the string. */
function sort_players($a, $b) {
    $ca = substr_count($a, ',');
    $cb = substr_count($b, ',');
    if ($ca == $cb) return 0;
    return ($ca > $cb) ? -1 : 1;

usort($playersArray, 'sort_players');




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