Setting bits in 64 bit int

I am trying to set a set of bits in a 64 bit int to. As you can see in the loop basically, I am setting bits 40 through 47 to 1 using the setBit function. for some reason I don't understand that bit 16 to 23 is also set to 1, as you can see from the program output: 000000001111111100000000000000000000000011111111110000000000000000 I couldn't simulate the same behavior on a regular int. BTW I've also tried using unsigned long long instead of int64_t with the same problem. What am I missing?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace std;

int64_t x = 0;

 void setBit(int64_t *num, int index)
 *num |= (1 << index);

bool retreiveBit(int64_t *num, int index)
 return *num & (1 << index);

int main()
 for (int i = 40; i < 48; ++i)
 setBit(&x, i);

 for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
  int digit = retreiveBit(&x, i);
  cout << digit;

 return 0;



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1 answer

In a subexpression:

(1 << index)


the type of the constant 1

is int

, so this shift is done in int

. If yours is int

not 64 bits wide (it probably isn't), then this shift has undefined behavior.

You need to use a constant at least 64 bits wide:

(1LL << index)


(you need to do this in both functions setBit()

and retrieveBit()




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