How can I remove the selected row from the TableView? (JavaFX with FXML)

So I am trying to delete the highlighted row in the TableView in my program.

I have looked through a lot of tutorials online, but I really can't think of it. I followed the example of CodeMakery which is in Eclipse, but I cannot get it to work with IntelliJ (due to some obvious JDK issues?)

This is the code from CodeMakery:

private void handleDeletePerson() {
    int selectedIndex = personTable.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex();
    if (selectedIndex >= 0) {
    } else {
        // Nothing selected.
        Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.WARNING);
        alert.setTitle("No Selection");
        alert.setHeaderText("No Person Selected");
        alert.setContentText("Please select a person in the table.");



Could you please help me understand how to delete the selected row?


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1 answer

just add at the beginning of this method personTable.setEditable(true)

. Should work now.



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