Pattern matching without adding an array with preg_match_all

I'm trying to grab table text from an element that looks like this:

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ListView2_ctrl2_ctl01_Label17" class="vehicledetailTable" style="display:inline-block;width:475px;">OWNED</span><br />                                            


My preg_match_all looks like this:

preg_match_all('~475px;">(.*?)</span><br />~', $ret, $vehicle);


The problem is that there are other tables on the page that also match, but have data that is not relevant to my query. The data I want is in " ListView2 " but " ct101_Label17 " changes - Label18, Label19, Label20, etc.

Since I'm not interested in recording the label, is there a method to match the subject string without capturing the match? Something like:

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ListView2_ctrl2_ctl01_[**WILDCARD HERE**]" class="vehicledetailTable" style="display:inline-block;width:475px;">OWNED</span><br />    


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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1 answer

Here is a very bad solution you are currently considering:



Watch the demo

This makes sure we found the tag <span>

, and there is an attribute id

starting with ctl00_MainContent_ListView2_ctrl2_ctl01_

, and there is some attribute (and you know what it is style

) ending with 475px;

, and then we just grab everything up to the closing tag </span>


You can get this with DOM and XPath, which is a much safer solution that uses the same logic as above:

$html = "<span id=\"ctl00_MainContent_ListView2_ctrl2_ctl01_Label17\" class=\"vehicledetailTable\" style=\"display:inline-block;width:475px;\">OWNED</span><br />"; 
$dom = new DomDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$spans = $xpath->query("//span[starts-with(@id,'ctl00_MainContent_ListView2_ctrl2_ctl01_') and @class='vehicledetailTable'  and contains(@style,'475px;')]");
$data = array();
foreach ($spans as $span) {
    array_push($data, $span->textContent);


Output: [0] => OWNED

Note that the XPath expression contains 3 conditions, feel free to change any of them:

  • //span

    - get all the span tags that
  • starts-with(@id,'ctl00_MainContent_ListView2_ctrl2_ctl01_')

    - have an attribute id

    with a value starting withctl00_MainContent_ListView2_ctrl2_ctl01_

  • @class='vehicledetailTable'

    - and has an attribute class

    with a value equal tovehicledetailTable

  • contains(@style,'475px;')

    - and have an attribute style

    whose value contains 475px;


Conditions are enclosed in [...]

and linked to or

or and

. They can also be grouped with parentheses. You can also use not(...)

to invert a condition. XPath is very useful in such situations.



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