Why is "free" a monad when F is a functor in Free [F [_], A]
From my point of view, if Foo is a monad, then this can also be proven to be a functor. However, I don't understand why in a free monad, if F is a functor, Free in Free [F [_], A] is a monad, so we can use a monadic operation to compose codes.
The question comes up when I read this blog http://underscore.io/blog/posts/2015/04/14/free-monads-are-simple.html
In scalass, Coyoneda uses a type class to represent Functor.
type Functor = Coyoneda[Action, A]
therefore, if the Coyoneda implementation is implemented, Free [Functor, A] is a monad.
Here is the code I wrote for simple code. It works and is pretty cool, so we separate execution and interpretation, but why Free becomes a monad for "free"
//data type
sealed trait Action[A]
case class IntOption(number: Int) extends Action[Int]
//implements functor, AKA interpretor
type ScriptImpl[A] = Coyoneda[Action, A]
object Interpreter extends (Action ~> Option) {
override def apply[A](a: Action[A]): Option[A] = {
a match {
case IntOption(t) => Option(t)
//lift to free monad
def toFree[A](a: Action[A]): Free[ScriptImpl, A] = Free.liftFC[Action, A](a)
val result: Free[ScriptImpl, Int] = for {
a <- toFree(IntOption(1))
b <- toFree(IntOption(2))
c <- toFree(IntOption(3))
} yield {
a + b + c
source to share
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