Unable to add and remove class when using ng-repeat

I am using the following plugin in my application: http://firedev.com/jquery.keynav/

my json file:

    "appName": "Some name",
    "appDesc": "Some Description",

    "appName": "Other name",
    "appDesc": "Other Description",


my html with angular:

<li ng-repeat="app in apps">
   <a class="selected" href="#">


my html without angular:

  <a class="selected" href="#">
   <p>Some name</p>
   <span>Some Description</span>
  <a class="" href="#">
   <p>Other name</p>
   <span>Other Description</span>


Question: Angular is showing list items in my json file just fine. However, when adding an angular class, it doesn't add / remove the "selected" class. When I use static html it adds / removes the selected class. I tried adding ng-repeat in the tag and in the tag before the list, but still the same question. I also tried adding the "selected" ass class (since the first one is in static html), but then all elements get that class.

I would really appreciate it if someone with experience could help me with this really annoying problem.


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3 answers

As stated in the documentation you were referring to, just don't install the selected class at all. Then, by default, it will choose the first one for you.

<li ng-repeat="app in apps">
   <a href="#">


Alternatively you can use $first

to apply the class to only the first link.

<li ng-repeat="app in apps">
   <a href="#" ng-class='{selected:$first}'>


Third option

I suspect that when you call the $('a').keynav();

DOM is not displayed yet. To fix this, you can use $ timeout to delay the code until the ng-repeat has run.

app.controller("myController", function($scope, $timeout){

    $scope.apps = 
        "appName": "Some name",
        "appDesc": "Some Description",

        "appName": "Other name",
        "appDesc": "Other Description",

    $timeout(function () {
        $('#navigation a').keynav();


My guess is that if you want to be true, because this is DOM manipulation, you should encapsulate it inside a directive. But I'll leave it up to you.

(By popularity)Working example:

The styles are a bit funky and I had to copy all the keynav library code. You can scroll to the bottom of the JS plane to see my code.
I had to tweak the css a bit to make it visible, but you probably don't need a real project.

First you need to click on the black plane to give it focus. Again, you won't need this in a real application.



Don't copy the code. Write the code yourself.

html does not support such quotes "

. Replace all of them with "


The "

html attributes are not valid when used .



If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to add a class conditionally. You can do as below

<div ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}">{{item.name}}</div>




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