Javascript 3D array and .split () method

    function parser(data){
    var saveSections = data.split("\r");
    var parsed = new Array();
    var tempCatch = "";
    var CatchTwo = [];
    //saveSections[0] = saveSections[0].split(",");
    for (var i = 0; i < saveSections.length; i++){
        saveSections[i] = saveSections[i].split(",");
        for (var j = 0; j < saveSections.length; j++){
            tempCatch = saveSections[0][0].split(":");
            //saveSections[0][0] = tempCatch;


    return tempCatch;


Okay, there is a problem. This feature works without issue until I uncomment

//saveSections[0][0] = tempCatch;


When I do this, debbuger throws:

Uncaught TypeError: saveSections[0][0].split is not a function


This points to this line:

tempCatch = saveSections[0][0].split(":");



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1 answer

From the example data you provided, the problem is that you are always assigning to the tempCatch

first element in the 2D array ( saveSections[0][0]

), and on the second iteration, the function split()

fails because an array, not a string.

This code should iterate over all elements:

function parser(data){
    var saveSections = data.split("\r");
    var parsed = [];
    var tempCatch = "";
    var CatchTwo = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < saveSections.length; i++){
      saveSections[i] = saveSections[i].split(",");
      for (var j = 0; j < saveSections[i].length; j++){
          tempCatch = saveSections[i][j].split(":");
          saveSections[i][j] = tempCatch;
    return saveSections;


I would suggest that you need to return saveSections

instead tempCatch

, but this is a bit unclear from your implementation.



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