Construct a list of integers from highest to lowest in python

I am trying to develop a small mouse application. It should get the coordinates (X, Y) and put the cursor there.

The problem is when trying to go to the X coordinate less than the current one.

import win32con
from win32api import GetCursorPos, SetCursorPos, mouse_event, GetSystemMetrics
from time import sleep

def clickWithCursor(xDesired, yDesired):
    xCurrent, yCurrent = GetCursorPos()

slope = float(yDesired - yCurrent) / float(xDesired - xCurrent)

def goAhead(x, y):
    for x in range(min(xCurrent, xDesired), max(xDesired, xCurrent), 2):
        y = int(slope * (x - xCurrent) + yCurrent)
        SetCursorPos((int(x), y))


return goAhead(0, 0)

def main():
    clickWithCursor(243, 184)



The above is a very bad attempt at doing it, which doesn't give me the result I was looking for. I've looked all over how to do this and just couldn't find the right path.

In short, I want to create a list so that it follows logically from larger to smaller, or smaller, according to the order of the parameters.

So, if I were to give the range (4, 1) that I want to cast to: [4, 3, 2] or the range (1, 4), it wouldn't think and build the correct path ...

EDIT: I refactored the code as per the answers and made it more readable for other users to view. Notice the "sequence" method in the MouseController class:

from win32api import GetCursorPos, SetCursorPos, mouse_event
from time import sleep

class CursorPositionPrinter(object):
    """docstring for CursorPositionPrinter"""
    def print_cursor_pos(self):
        print GetCursorPos()

    def __init__(self):
        super(CursorPositionPrinter, self).__init__()

class AutoClicker(object):
    """docstring for AutoClicker"""
    def click(self, times):

        xCurrent, yCurrent = GetCursorPos()
        for i in xrange(times):
            self.simple_click(xCurrent, yCurrent)

    def simple_click(self, x, y):
        mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, x, y, 0, 0)
        mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x, y, 0, 0)

    def __init__(self):
        super(AutoClicker, self).__init__()

class MouseController(CursorPositionPrinter, AutoClicker):
    """docstring for MouseController
    Controlls your mouse magically!!!"""

    def sequence(self, a, b, n):
        mn, mx = a, b
        step = -n if mn > mx else n

        for value in xrange(mn, mx, step):
            yield value

    def click_with_cursor(self, xDesired, yDesired):
        self.go_to_coordinates(xDesired, yDesired)
        self.simple_click(xDesired, yDesired)

    def go_to_coordinates(self, xDesired, yDesired):

        xCurrent, yCurrent = GetCursorPos()

        slope = float(yDesired - yCurrent) / float(xDesired - xCurrent)

        for x in self.sequence(xCurrent, xDesired, 2):
            y = int(slope * (x - xCurrent) + yCurrent)
            SetCursorPos((int(x), y))

        SetCursorPos((xDesired, yDesired))

    def __init__(self, latency=0.02):
        super(MouseController, self).__init__()
        self.latency = latency



source to share

3 answers

range(a, b, -1 if a > b else 1)



either step 1 or 1 whichever is greater after you get min and max:

def up_down(a, b):
    mn, mx = min(a), max(b)
    step = -1 if mn > mx else 1
    return range(mn, mx, step)



In [9]: list(up_down([4,5,5,7],[0,1]))
Out[9]: [4, 3, 2]

In [10]: list(up_down([0,1],[4,5,5,7] ))
Out[10]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


If min is greater than we need a negative step, if not just use step 1.

To make it clearer to use logic in your own code, you just need to use if / else:

def goAhead(x, y,n=1):
    step = -n if xCurrent > xDesired else n
    for x in range(xCurrent, xDesired, step):
        y = int(slope * (x - xCurrent) + yCurrent)
        SetCursorPos((int(x), y))


If you want to change the step size you can pass any n

you want



lim1, lim2 = 10, 2  
step = 1 if lim1<lim2 else -1  
lst = list(range(lim1, lim2, step))  


=> [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]

  lim1, lim2 = 2, 10

=> [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

This form allows:
list (range (lim1, lim2, 1 if lim1



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