Using dates with ion.RangeSlider sliderInput in Shiny

How can we use dates from sliderInput

in Shiny?

I know it was tricky with Bootstrap 2.0, but now that Shiny uses the ionic slider, there is hope:

According to the documentation ,

Slider supports date and time

At the moment something like

sliderInput("date",label="date", min=as.Date("1934-06-29"), max=as.Date("1940-03-04"))

- still a dream.

I found some Javascript that seems appropriate, but I'm not sure if to implement this in the UI. Anyone who knows Javascript hasn't included it in any Shiny apps yet?

    min: +moment().subtract(1, "years").format("X"),
    max: +moment().format("X"),
    from: +moment().subtract(6, "months").format("X"),
    prettify: function (num) {
        return moment(num, "X").format("LL");


Thanks for reading this.


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1 answer

It looks like Winston just recently added support for dates to the range, but it hasn't been included in glitter yet.

Most likely it will be completed soon



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