Ng-click not working second time with ng-hide interaction

I have two buttons and only one of them appears at the same time. The first is called "Offline mode", the other is "Online mode". They look like HTML:

<a ng-hide="offlineMode == true" ng-click="offlineMode()">Offline Mode</a> 
<a ng-show="offlineMode == true" ng-click="onlineMode()">Online Mode</a>


When I click "Offline Mode" for the first time, it successfully goes to "Online Mode". When I click "Online Mode" after that it goes back to "Offline Mode". After that, the button becomes invisible. It is not included inside the function.


$scope.offlineMode = function() {
    $scope.offlineMode = true;
    // do other things

$scope.onlineMode = function() {
    $scope.offlineMode = false;
    // do other things



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3 answers

You are getting this error as function and flag variable have the same name offlineMode

See the console for this error:

v2.offlineMode is not a function


Fix: Just rename the boolean variable to offline

(or whatever)

  $scope.offlineMode = function() {
      $scope.offline = true;
      // do other things

  $scope.onlineMode = function() {
      $scope.offline = false;
      // do other things


ANd update html accordingly

<a href="#" ng-hide="offline" ng-click="offlineMode()">Offline Mode</a><br> 
<a href="#" ng-show="offline" ng-click="onlineMode()">Online Mode</a>


Note the changes in ng-hide

and ng-show

. You don't have to evaluate offline

with help every time true


Here's a demo



You don't need to create two buttons and two functions. You can do it in a simple way, for example:

<a ng-click="switchMode()">Switch Mode</a> 



$scope.offlineMode = true;
$scope.switchMode = function() {
    $scope.offlineMode = !$scope.offlineMode;


and if you want to change the button text you can do it like this:

<a ng-click="switchMode()">
  <span ng-if="offlineMode">Online Mode</span>
  <span ng-if="!offlineMode">Offline Mode</span>




I can't explain why it doesn't work, but consider using this approach:

<a ng-click="toggle()">{{caption}}</a> 

$ = true;
$scope.caption = 'Offline Mode';
$scope.toggle = function() {
  $ = !$;
  $scope.caption = $ ? 'Offline Mode' : 'Online Mode';
  if ($ {
    // do other things
  } else {
    // do other things




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