How to infer and fill the type of a variable using Intellij IDEA

It may be simple, and there may be duplicates of this type of question, but I can't find the answer anywhere. I want to complete the type of a variable by inferring the return type of a method in Java. For example,

users = userService.findAllUsers()//This method returns List<User> objects


Now I want to place the cursor on a custom variable and initialize it inline by selecting "shortcut" and Intellij will execute the above statement as shown below.

List<User> users = userService.findAllUsers()//This method returns List<User> objects


How is this possible? Do I need to add a custom shortcut to the layout or is there one already available, for example in Eclipse? Finally, I would like to know the shortcut for Mac OSX if there is one available.


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3 answers

For Windows

Use Ctrl+ Alt+ Vto create a variable (as said here )

For Mac OS

Use + +V



I found IntelliJ Postfix Code Completion to be very useful and powerful.

In your case, you can do the following:

  • Create your expression without any variable enter image description here

  • Start typing .var

    at the end of the expression and you will get a context menu with var

    a selectable item. Click Enterand a new variable will be created for you: enter image description here



Select the variable / expression you want to test and you can:

  • Press CTRL+ SHIFT+ Pand a small type of information will appear.
  • Click CTRL+ Qand the documentation for that expression will appear if available.
  • Hold CTRLand hover your mouse over the variable / expression and a little type information will appear.


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