Compile-time selection of a function pointer
I would like to be able to select function pointers at compile time. Something like the ListAutomatic function in the following
int funk( int a, int b ) { return a * b / 2; }
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
int null_func( T0 a, T1 b ) { return 0; }
tuple< int( *)(int, int), int( *)(int, float) > functionList {
null_func<int, float>
// Pseudo code.
tuple< int( *)(int, int), int( *)(int, float) > functionListAutomatic {
condition( funk_exist( funk( int, int ) ) , funk, null_func<int, int> ),
condition( funk_exist( funk( int, string ) ), funk, null_func<int, string> ),
void main() {
int res0 = get<0>( functionList )(1, 2);
int res1 = get<1>( functionList )(1, 2);
I cannot figure out how to do this.
I know how to make funk_exist so that it is evaluated at compile time (I use a variant of this: ). But the two parameters funk and null_func are causing the problem. The compiler tries to find the function funk (int, string) and fails to evaluate funk_exist (). I need an expression that evaluates funk_exist () and then doesn't evaluate funk (int, string) if funk_exist () evaluates to false.
Appreciate your help.
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namespace details {
template<class...>struct voider{using type=void;};
template<class...Ts>using void_t=typename voider<Ts...>::type;
template<template<class...>class Z, class, class...Ts>
struct can_apply:std::false_type{};
template<template<class...>class Z, class...Ts>
struct can_apply<Z,void_t<Z<Ts...>>,Ts...>:std::true_type{};
template<template<class...>class Z, class...Ts>
using can_apply=details::can_apply<Z,void,Ts...>;
injection cartridge! 1
Adding funk:
funk_r = decltype(funk(std::declval<Ts>()...));
can_funk = can_apply<funk_r, Ts...>;
now we know if we can function.
but who's the funk? funk_miester
template<class lhs, class rhs, class=void>
struct funk_miester {
decltype(null_func<lhs,rhs>) operator()()const{
return null_func<lhs, rhs>;
template<class lhs, class rhs>
struct funk_miester<lhs, rhs, std::enable_if_t< can_funk<lhs,rhs>{} >> {
funk_r<lhs,rhs>(*)(lhs, rhs) operator()()const{
return [](lhs l, rhs r)->funk_r<lhs,rhs> {
return funk(l,r);
and go down below this line to see the result:
tuple< int( *)(int, int), int( *)(int, float) > functionListAutomatic (
and you are funkey.
Note that I check if it can be funk
called funk
in can_funk
, but you can replace it with whatever trait you want, as long as it generates a compile-time bool.
In my case, the lambda acts like an adapter, so if the signatures don't match, it will still generate a function pointer.
1 This just gives me a clue to determine if I can call funk
for some arguments. You have yours, so you don't need to use it.
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I would like to thank Jakk for his answer. With a few tweaks, I got this to work and I have posted the complete program below.
However, there were several snafus.
Using the class template for Z in detail pushes the evaluation to detail and goes to funk_r. This means the compiler tries to evaluate funk (int, string), which then gives a compilation error. Apparently it is not possible to use SFINAE when using aliases, so I have not found a solution for this.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
int funk( int a, int b ) { return a * b; }
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
int null_funk( T0 a, T1 b ) { return 0; }
template< typename... Ts >
struct can_apply {
using Yes = char[2];
using No = char[1];
// SFINAE will take 'Yes' if funk( Us... ) matches. Otherwise it will take 'No'
template< typename... Us >
static Yes & test( decltype(funk( Us()... ))* ); // *1
template< typename U0, typename... Us >
static No & test( U0* );
static constexpr bool value = sizeof( test< Ts... >( nullptr ) ) == sizeof( Yes );
template< typename... Ts >
using funk_r = decltype(funk( declval<Ts>()... ));
template< typename... Ts >
using can_funk = can_apply< Ts... >;
template< typename lhs, typename rhs, typename = void >
struct funk_meister {
typedef typename decltype(null_funk<lhs, rhs>( lhs(), rhs() ))(*TFunk)(lhs, rhs);
TFunk operator()() const {
return null_funk<lhs, rhs>;
template<typename lhs, typename rhs>
struct funk_meister<lhs, rhs, enable_if_t< can_funk<lhs, rhs>::value > > {
typedef typename funk_r<lhs, rhs>( *TFunk )(lhs, rhs);
TFunk operator()() const {
return []( lhs l, rhs r ) -> funk_r<lhs, rhs> {
return funk( l, r );
tuple< int( *)(int, int), int( *)(int, string), int( *)(int, float)> functionList {
funk_meister<int,int>{}(), funk_meister<int,string>{}(), funk_meister<int,float>{}()
void test() {
int res0 = get<0>( functionList )(1, 2);
int res1 = get<1>( functionList )(1, "2");
int res2 = get<2>( functionList )(1, 2.5f);
* 1. You cannot use a template template here, because then the SFINAE score is output to funk_r <...>.
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