Is the anonymous function required for the event callback?

Currently my code works when I pass the anonymous CONTAINING function of my method call in the callback, but not when I try to call my own method directly in the callback ... IE:

var that = this;

gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) {

// THIS DOES NOT. why? 
gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', that.onSlotRenderEnded(event));


I'm trying to figure out why my method call needs to be wrapped in an anonymous function before it fires. I would like to be able to just shorten the code and call the custom method directly and not through the anonymous one.


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4 answers

// THIS DOES NOT. why? 
gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', that.onSlotRenderEnded(event));


In this case, your second argument is actually the result of a call that.onSlotRenderEnded(event)

(possibly not a function), so it doesn't work.

And no. It doesn't require it to be an anonymous function. Just a function.

People usually use them because these action functions (which will react to events) are most often required only at that particular moment and nowhere else.

But you can still do:

gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) {



function someName(event) {
gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', someName);



var someName = function (event) {
gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', someName);


Or, even in this case, since all you do is delegate,

gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', that.onSlotRenderEnded);


Everyone should behave the same *.

The only possible difference between them is the value this

, which can only be determined at the time of the actual call. In this case, if you want to be sure of the value this

, you can either use anonymous (and then not use a reference this

, but some other variable, for example that

, you are already using in the question), or you can resort to $.proxy()

, useful function, useful for these situations, the result is something like:

gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', $.proxy(that, 'onSlotRenderEnded'));


(* Of course, unless you have other variables with sameName

in scope, etc.)



It doesn't need to be wrapped with an anonymous function. Rather, pass the function definition without doing (using a parenthesis) like

gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', that.onSlotRenderEnded);


When passing in a callback, you have two options. Either you are passing an anonymous function or you are passing a function definition. In both cases, the object event

will be automatically passed as the first argument to the callback.



gt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', that.onSlotRenderEnded(event));


Here you are calling the method that.onSlotRenderEnded

with undefined since the event is undefined. And the result of this method is passed toaddEventListener



By adding parentheses and passing events, you call your handler right away. Drop those and you should be fine.

So instead of



Just do





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