Control characters and string manipulation

Using a trick posted on ss64 by Jeb to store the backspace control character in a variable - I get weird results when there are "overlapping" backspaces.

An example is given in the following golfing example: Backhanded ^ H ^ H ^ H ^ H ^ H ^ Hspaces (would appreciate any advice on making this code shorter).

Ungolfed it might look like this:

@echo off
setLocal enableDelayedExpansion

for /F %%a in ('"prompt $H&echo on&for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set DEL=%%a

set s=%1
echo %s:^H=!DEL!%


Basically, it uses Jeb's trick to store backspace as a variable and then uses string manipulation to replace all instances ^H

in the input string of that variable. Which works correctly for the following example and similar inputs:

C:\>bsp.bat "testing^H^H^H test"
"test test"


However, when the usage "overlap" occurs ^H

, I get the following confusing (for me) output:

C:\>bsp.bat "AAA^HB^H^H"


My question is - with the above example, why am I getting this output instead of what I expected "A"



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2 answers

I don't understand why the "expected result" should be "A". See this output by symbol:

bsp.bat "AAA^HB^H^H"
"AAA    <- backspace, the cursor is over last "A"
"AAB    <- backspace, the cursor is over last "B"
"AAB    <- backspace, the cursor is over second "A"


The BS character simply moves the cursor back one character. The "standard behavior" of the BackSpace key (also called "BackSpace echo") is "BackSpace + space + BackSpace".

By the way, this is the method I used to get the BS character:

for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $H ^| cmd') do set BS=%%a




The result is to "A"B

be expected because the backspace character (0x08) <BS>

moves the cursor back without erasing the character.

When you use PROMPT $ H, it actually prints <BS><space><BS>

. The first <BS>

moves backwards, the space overwrites (visually clears) the character, and then the second <BS>

moves back to where you want to be.

The default delimiter with FOR / F is equal <tab><space>

, so your assignment only keeps the first one <BS>

. Change the delimiter to "r" and get the desired result:

@echo off
setLocal enableDelayedExpansion

for /F "delims=r" %%a in ('"prompt $H&echo on&for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set DEL=%%a

set s=%1
echo %s:^H=!DEL!%


Or keep a single definition <BS>

and rewrite the character explicitly:

@echo off
setLocal enableDelayedExpansion

for /F %%a in ('"prompt $H&echo on&for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set DEL=%%a

set s=%1
echo %s:^H=!DEL! !DEL!%




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