Groovy JsonBuilder strange behavior when toString ()

I need to create json to use as body in http.request

. I can grow json dynamically, but I noticed strange behavior when called builder.toString()

twice. The resulting json was completely different. I probably think it has something to do with some kind of buffer or so. I've read the documentation, but I can't seem to find a good answer. Here's the code for testing.

import groovy.json.JsonBuilder

def builder = new JsonBuilder()

def map = [
    catA: ["catA-element1", "catA-element2"],

def a = map.inject([:]) { res, k, v ->
    def b = v.inject([:]) {resp, i ->
        resp[i] = k
    res += b
println a

def root = builder.query {
    bool {
        must a.collect{ k, v ->
            builder.match {
                "$v" k
        builder.simple_query_string {
            query "text"
println builder.toString()
println builder.toString()


This will print the following lines. Pay attention to the last two lines

[catA-element1:catA, catA-element2:catA, catC-element1:catC]


In my code, I can easily send the first result toString()

to a variable and use it when needed. But why does this happen when called more than once?


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1 answer

I think this is happening because you are using builder

inside a closure bool

. If we do print builder.content

before printing the result ( buider.toString()

calls JsonOutput.toJson(builder.content)

), we get:

[query:[bool:ConsoleScript54$_run_closure3$_closure6@294b5a70, should:[[simple_query_string:[query:text]]]]]


By adding println builder.content

to the closure bool

, we can see what is being builder.content

modified when the closure is evaluated:

def root = builder.query {
    bool {
        must a.collect{ k, v ->
            builder.match {
                "$v" k
                println builder.content
        builder.simple_query_string {
            query "text"

println JsonOutput.toJson(builder.content)
println builder.content


The above gives:

[query:[bool:ConsoleScript55$_run_closure3$_closure6@39b6156d, should:[[simple_query_string:[query:text]]]]]


You can easily avoid this with another closure builder inside:

def builder2 = new JsonBuilder()

def root = builder.query {
    bool {
        must a.collect{ k, v ->
            builder2.match {
                "$v" k
        builder.simple_query_string {
            query "text"


Or even better:

def root = builder.query {
    bool {
        must a.collect({ k, v -> ["$v": k] }).collect({[match: it]})
        simple_query_string {
            query "text"




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