What kind of out-of-zone failures do I forget to test?

I came across a terrific presentation years ago (which of course I can't find) that listed a lot of failures for remote services that aren't usually verified by humans.

In addition to timeout, 4xx, 5xx, etc., it lists things like:

  • the connection is closed after 10 bytes of data
  • returns the content of www.google.com
  • returns the contents of / dev / random
  • returns the contents of the / etc / passwd file
  • returns correctly formatted unicode Chinese text
  • returns ansi color control characters
  • returns the wrong content type marked correctly (you requested Content-Type: application / json, I am posting back Content-Type: application / jpeg)
  • returns one byte of data every 29 seconds.

What are some of the types of out-of-band failures that you encounter that developers usually (but should) test?

(extra bonus points if you can find the original presentation)


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2 answers

The ones you pointed out are great; I'd love to see the original presentation if you dig it up! A couple more favorites:

  • "Valid" answer with pair bits flipped
  • a "valid" response with additional data you did not expect ( {"result": 123, "extraStuff": {...}}

    ) to simulate updates to the remote side.
  • Syntactically valid answer that never ends ( {"results":["lol", "lol", "lol", ...

    or just a bunch of spaces)


Low frequency failures. In other words, check that some answer is correct not once, but every time after thousands of attempts. If you go over the net, you get a random break on the internet, but you might find some kind of stochastic process if you think it's fixed.



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