Ion-slide-box Update Issue

     <ion-slide ng-repeat="imageUrl in item.images">
              <img ng-src="{{imageUrl}}" />


and my controller:

$scope.changeItem = function(differentItem) {
        $scope.item = differentItem;


Clicking the changeItem () button changes the value of $ scope.item which I am using in the ng-repeat (in the slide).

My problem is $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.update();

not updating and setting the pager index to 0 with the new number of images of the selected item, even if the $ scope.item variable changes.


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1 answer

edit: Indeed, this seems to be a known issue as noted on the official Ia forum . However, I made an example of how it works, as you can see here . The things I changed are as follows:

  • I updated the ionic version to 1.0.1 (you can see the links from )
  • used $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.slide(0);

    because otherwise it doesn't work again if you press the button when on the last image
  • used $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.update()

    as you tried, but internally $timeout

    since (as you will read on the forum) it may be that the items are not showing yet when you call the method update()

    on $ionicSlideBoxDelegate


Updated code, here for reference:

angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $http, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate, $timeout) {
  $scope.item = {};

	$scope.item.images = [

	$scope.changeImages = function(){
    $scope.item.images = [
    }, 500);

<html ng-app="ionicApp">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
    <title>Ionic Template</title>

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=""></script>
  <body ng-controller="MyCtrl">
     <ion-slide-box show-pager="true">
     <ion-slide ng-repeat="imageUrl in item.images track by $index">
              <img ng-src="{{imageUrl}}" />
              <button class="button" ng-click="changeImages()">change imgs</button>

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- edit end -

I made a test project on CodePen , and as you can see, change images

on object updates item


So, without seeing the rest of your code, we cannot help. You can do a similar CodePen example with your code so we can see at a glance what might be wrong.

Code pasted here for reference:

angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  $scope.item = {};

	$scope.item.images = [

	$scope.changeImages = function(){
		$scope.item.images = [

body {
  cursor: url(''), auto;

<html ng-app="ionicApp">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
    <title>Ionic Template</title>

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=""></script>
  <body ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <ion-header-bar title="myTitle"></ion-header-bar>

    <ion-pane class="has-header" padding="true">
      <h2>You can't see me</h2>

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