Filters with brands, manufacturers, prices in magento

Hi I am developing a magento e-commerce application in android. I want to filter products with manufacturers, brands, price, etc. Is this possible using the magento "catalogProductList" ksoap2 api?

Below is my code that works for one "price" filter.

SoapObject filterResult = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, "catalogProductList");

SoapObject value = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, "associativeEntity");
value.addProperty("key", "in");
value.addProperty("value", "50.0000");

SoapObject complexFilter = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, "complexFilter");

SoapObject filterArray = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, "complexFilterArray");

SoapObject filters=new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, "filters");
filters.addProperty("complex_filter", filterArray);
filterResult.addProperty("filters", filters);


for the above code, how can I send an array of filters? Example: Price (100 to 200), (300 to 400) Brands (Brand1, Brand2, Brand3, etc.)?


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