Cocopod: Library not found

I am trying to start Cocoapods project and get the following error

Library Not Found for -lAttributedMarkdown

I tried pod deintegrate

, then pod install

, but it's still there. I also tried deleting the file pod.debug.xcconfig

from Project->Info->Configuration

and then pod install

, but nothing.


generated pod install

contains path as${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/AttributedMarkdown

Here is the xcconfig file

but I cannot find 'Headers/Public'

in the Project Navigator


source to share

1 answer

First line of defense : (first exit Xcode, which is part of the strategy):

rm -rf Pods/ Podfile.lock ; pod install


Defensive approach : check your subfile. Is this consistent? How about your versions of the tools? What happens if you create a new subfile with pod init

? Do you have all the goals as expected?

Dramatic Dimension : Rebuild xcworkspace completely:

  • quit Xcode
  • mv project.xcworkspace to fallback location
  • sudo gem install cocoapods

    (get the latest)
  • rm -rf Pods/ Podfile.lock ; pod install


Note the use of rm -rf Pods/ Podfile.lock ; pod install

instead of pod update




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