CXF generates WSDL where Fault extends tns: exception

I have a CXF Fault class defined like this:

@WebFault(name = "FaultContainer",
        faultBean = "myapi.transport.FaultContainer",
        targetNamespace = "mynmspace")
public class ServiceFaultSecond extends java.lang.Exception {


As you can see, it extends the Java normal exception. The problem is that in the CXF generated WSDL this class is represented like this:

<xs:complexType name="serviceFaultSecond">
  <xs:extension base="tns:exception">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="faultInfo" type="tns:FaultContainer"/>


Here it extends "tns: exception" (thus extending tns: throwable). Now when I try to build a client there are compilation errors - it expects mynmspace.Exception and mynmspace.Throwable instead of java.lang ...

Usually CXF doesn't put the xs: extension element in the WSDL, why is this happening now?


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