How to calculate percentage in C #

I am trying to calculate the percentage of a given long value. The following code returns zero. How to calculate percentage in C #

long value = (fsize / tsize) * (long)100;


Here fsize and tsize are multiple Long values.


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3 answers

try it

var value = ((double)fsize / tsize) * 100;
var percentage = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(value, 0));




You can try something like this:

double value = ((double)fsize / (double)tsize) * 100.0;


if fsize


, and tsize

- int

, then division is also int

, and 0 is the correct answer. You need to convert it to in double

order to return the correct value.



the best way to do it

int percentage = (int)Math.Round(((double)current / (double)total) * 100);




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