How to check if all elements in a list of lists are strings

Suppose I have a list of lists of strings like this:

l=[['a','kl_hg', 'FOO'],['b', 'kl_c', 'po']]


Now I would like to use the command if

like this (in pseudocode!):

if allElementsOf(l).isString():
#do something


From this question, I learned how to check one variable if it is a string. So for one list, I could:

dummyL = ['a','kl_hg', 'FOO']
if all(isinstance(s, basestring) for s in dummyL):
#do something


and for my actual list, l

I could do:

if all(isinstance(el, basestring) for sl in l for el in sl):
#do something


Is there a way to do it, or is there a faster solution as it takes a while for huge lists of lists?


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4 answers

Your approach is correct, any short list of abbreviations looks slower . The fastest way is to use itertools :

import itertools
l=[['a','kl_hg', 'FOO'],['b', 'kl_c', 'po']]
if all( isinstance(x, basestring) for x in  itertools.chain.from_iterable(l) ):




It's weird how someone said any () built-in function:

seq = [['a','kl_hg', 'FOO'], ['b', 'kl_c', 'po', 13]]

def all_string(_iterable):    
    return not any([not isinstance(n, basestring) for i in _iterable 
                        for n in i])

all_string(seq) # returns False


The advantage when using any () function is that it doesn't evaluate the entire sequence, it returns when the first true value is found - unlike all ().



You probably want to use recursion to solve this problem in general for any nesting level. For example:

def all_strings(thing):
    if isinstance(thing, str):
        return True
    elif isinstance(thing, list):
        for subthing in thing:
            if not all_strings(subthing):
                return False
        return True
        return False

>>> print all_strings('foo')
>>> print all_strings(['foo'])
>>> print all_strings(['foo',['foo']])
>>> print all_strings(['foo',[1, 'foo']])




You can use this:

for x in l:
    for a in range(3):
        if type((x[a])) == str:
            print(x[a], ' is a string')




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