Play video from UDP / RTSP with MediaElement?

Can I play videos streamed from UDP / RTSP using the WPF MediaElement control? During my testing, I tried to pass a URI containing a UDP stream to the MediaElement player, but when I launch the application, the media player is empty as if there is no media source. Here's my sample code:


public partial class MainWindow: Window 
    public MainWindow() 

        VideoMediaElement.Source = new Uri("udp:\\\\@");



<Window x:Class="MyApplication.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="300" Width="300">
    <MediaElement Margin="5,5,5,5" Grid.Row="1" x:Name="VideoMediaElement" LoadedBehavior="Manual" />


Is there something obvious I'm missing here? I tested this setup using a video that is stored on my file system and it plays without issue - it's just streaming that doesn't want to work.

If this is not possible with a MediaElement, I am open to suggestions for controls that I can use instead. However, I need a control that is pure WPF and independent of WinForms interop. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: After creating the "MediaFailed" event handler, I was able to get this error: "Media upload failed" with internal System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException with HResult 0xC00D0FEA. I referred to this: MediaPlayer cannot play filenames without extension and tried some registry changes, but they don't seem to fix the problem. Again, any suggestions are appreciated. I will keep updating this thread as I get more information.

c # wpf media-player

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2 answers

After a bit of research, it seems that what I am trying to do may not be possible. The WPF MediaElement (and Windows Media Player) seems to support playing video over a network, but not from a stream. See the next section on MSDN:

I'm still looking at a WPF control that will play video from a stream, but I couldn't find anything.


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See FFME , which is almost a replacement for FFmpeg-based MediaElement.


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