Custom error messages in Node Azure Web App

Stumbled upon an interesting issue with an Azure web application running Node with IIS and wanted to share because I couldn't find any information about it.


My custom error messages weren't making it a client in my production app, but going through locally.

Quick example:'/user', function(req, res, next) {
    // Parse out the user data
    // ...
    // Oh no! An error!
    if (invalidData) {
        return res.status(400).json({error: 'Invalid username, must be at least 4 characters.'});
    // ...


This happened through my web application as the default "400: Bad Request ..." message, not my custom error message. On the client, I was trying to do JSON.parse(err.responseText).error

, which didn't work like err.responseText

, was a string "Bad request..."

and not my JSON object.


source to share

1 answer


In your file web.config

add this line between <system.webServer> ... </system.webServer>


<httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough" />

Hopefully no one else will face this problem like me. I'm sure it was a mixture of incorrect searching and inexperience with IIS, but I never found an answer on the internet, I came across several links that led me to the IIS error handling page .

Hope this helps someone else! There is a lot of good information in this document, if you are using an IIS web application I highly recommend reading it.



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