Remote trigger for (re) build CI Gitlab

I am trying to make a remote trigger for (re) build in ci.gitlab. To explain this, I composed this script:

  • 2 repositories "lib" and "app1"
  • app1 can only be successfully built if lib is included (just solved with .gitlab-ci.yml)
  • now i need to call build app1 (master branch only, at best) to commit (or merge request) lib

I tried to figure it out with webhooks, but I couldn't find the url for Is it possible to do this using the gitlab environment?


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1 answer

You can do this with the new trigger functions.

In your ci project, find the Triggers section. Add a trigger and use its token like this:

curl -X POST \
 -F token=TOKEN \{project_id}/refs/REF_NAME/trigger


( )


we have the same problem and the way we solve it is clicking and then removing the tag.

This assumes you are running a machine with a Gitlab-CI runner. First, clone the main repository, app1

for you. And in lib


add the steps:

- cd /path/to/app1_repository
- git pull
- git tag ci-trigger master
- git push origin ci-trigger
- git push --delete origin ci-trigger
- git tag -d ci-trigger


Make sure you have the option Tag push events

in your Gitlab settings for Gitlab-CI.

This solution has disadvantages:

  • The Gitlab-CI leader must have write permissions to the repository, so it won't work for shared members
  • git history will be bloated with all these tags (especially Gitlab UI)

I have opened an issue for this ( ) so hopefully they add this functionality to the API ( api / README.html ).



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