Summation of the levels of multiple factorial variables
I have searched for similar questions but cannot find the exact solution. This question is somewhat similar, but only deals with the question of summing several continuous variables, not factors.
I have dataframe, consisting of a 4-factor variables ( sex
, agegroup
, hiv
, group
), for example
df<-data.frame(sex=as.factor(c(sample(1:2, 10000, replace=T))),
agegroup=as.factor(c(sample(1:5,10000, replace=T))),
hiv=as.factor(c(sample(1:3,10000, replace=T))),
group=as.factor(c(sample(1:2,10000, replace=T)))
levels(df$sex)<- c("Male", "Female")
levels(df$agegroup)<- c("16-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55+")
levels(df$hiv)<-c("Positive", "Negative", "Not tested")
levels(df$group)<-c("Intervention", "Control")
I would like to create a pivot table giving counts and proportions for each level of exposure variables sex
, agegroup
and hiv
, stratified group
EDIT: This is what I was aiming for:
X N_Control Percent_Control N_Intervention Percent_Intervention
1 sex_Female 2517 0.5041057 2480 0.4953066
2 sex_Male 2476 0.4958943 2527 0.5046934
3 agegroup_16-24 1005 0.2012818 992 0.1981226
4 agegroup_25-34 1001 0.2004807 996 0.1989215
5 agegroup_35-44 1010 0.2022832 997 0.1991212
6 agegroup_45-54 976 0.1954737 996 0.1989215
7 agegroup_55+ 1001 0.2004807 1026 0.2049131
8 hiv_Negative 1679 0.3362708 1642 0.3279409
9 hiv_Not tested 1633 0.3270579 1660 0.3315359
10 hiv_Positive 1681 0.3366713 1705 0.3405233
But I cannot get it to work with summarise_each
dplyr; only general values ββand proportions of variables are given, and not for each level of factors:
df.out<-df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise_each(funs(N=n(), Percent=n()/sum(n())), sex, agegroup, hiv)
group sex_N agegroup_N hiv_N sex_Percent agegroup_Percent hiv_Percent
1 1 4973 4973 4973 1 1 1
2 2 5027 5027 5027 1 1 1
Finally, is there a way to modify the table (using tidyr for example) so that exposure variables (gender, age group, hiv) are represented as strings?
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Doing this in two steps will give you the desired result. Calculate first n
, then calculate the percentage by group
df.out <- df %>%
group_by(group, sex, agegroup, hiv) %>%
tally() %>%
group_by(group) %>%
Solution with data.table
dt.out <- setDT(df)[, .N, by=.(group, sex, agegroup, hiv)][, percent:=N/sum(N), by=group]
microbenchmark(df.out = df %>%
group_by(group, sex, agegroup, hiv) %>%
tally() %>%
group_by(group) %>%
dt.out = df[,.N,by=.(group, sex, agegroup, hiv)][,percent:=N/sum(N),by=group])
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# df.out 8.299870 8.518590 8.894504 8.708315 8.931459 11.964930 100 b
# dt.out 2.346632 2.394788 2.540132 2.441777 2.551235 4.344442 100 a
Conclusion: The solution data.table
is much faster (3.5x).
To get the table you requested after editing your question, you can do the following:
setDT(df) <- dcast(df[,.N, by=.(sex,group)][,percent:=N/sum(N)], sex ~ group, value.var = c("N", "percent"))
dt.age <- dcast(df[,.N, by=.(agegroup,group)][,percent:=N/sum(N)], agegroup ~ group, value.var = c("N", "percent")) <- dcast(df[,.N, by=.(hiv,group)][,percent:=N/sum(N)], hiv ~ group, value.var = c("N", "percent"))
dt.out.wide <- rbindlist(list(, dt.age,, use.names=FALSE)
names(dt.out.wide) <- c("X","N_Intervention","N_Control","percent_Intervention","percent_Control")
this gives:
> dt.out.wide
X N_Intervention N_Control percent_Intervention percent_Control
1: Male 2454 2488 0.2454 0.2488
2: Female 2561 2497 0.2561 0.2497
3: 16-24 954 991 0.0954 0.0991
4: 25-34 1033 1002 0.1033 0.1002
5: 35-44 1051 1000 0.1051 0.1000
6: 45-54 983 978 0.0983 0.0978
7: 55+ 994 1014 0.0994 0.1014
8: Positive 1717 1664 0.1717 0.1664
9: Negative 1637 1659 0.1637 0.1659
10: Not tested 1661 1662 0.1661 0.1662
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