Android - cordova - network error occured

Android Studio Environment 1.0.1

I am trying to access my site in from a string


Since the app is running on my physical device (Moto g2, Android 5), the splash screen MainActivity extends CordovaActivity

works fine, but a MainActivity

warning is displayed with the title: Application error and body . network error.(

I have set the required permission for Internet access AndroidManifest.xml

I recently upgraded cordova from 2.9 to 4.1; Log cat does not show records associated with my application during application launch. Also I tried replacing ""

with "file: ///android_asset/www/example.html" which worked fine so I made changes to it and redirected to ""

form onLoad

or by linking to example.html page but it can't redirect.

Anyone have a solution or trick to solve it?


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1 answer

Add www

to example. for example,

it should work.

If still doesn't work try debugging with chrome. This link can help you



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