JQuery / JQueryUI / Autocomplete not working on Android 4.2.2

and thanks for trying to help me (again) ...

Please take a look at this simple autocomplete example. The code comes almost directly from the official docs.

        var availableTags = [

      source: availableTags,
      minLength: 0,
  .focus(function() {
      $(this).autocomplete( "search", $(this).val());


HTML is even simpler:

<label for="tags">Tags:</label>
<input id="tags">


Here is the complete JSFiddle:

Link to JSFiddle

The code works well on PC (Firefox and IE tested), but not at all on Android (Samsung Galaxy Tab, Android 4.2.2). When I focus the input, an autocomplete list appears, I can select a value, but the value is never passed to the input.

I tried several combinations of JSQuery and JSQueryUI, they all behave the same. Any hints what I can do to get autocomplete working on my tablet?




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