Can use reader tags with ClojureScript

In Clojure, adding custom reader tags is really easy

;; data_readers.clj (on classpath, eg. src/clj/)
{rd/qux datareaders.reader/my-reader}

;; Define a namespace containing the my-reader var:
(ns datareaders.reader)
(defn my-reader [x] 'y)

;; use special tag in other namespace. Readers have to be required first.

(require 'datareaders.reader)
(defn foo [x y] 
  (println #rd/qux x "prints y, not x due to reader tag."))


I am trying to do the same for ClojureScript, but I get an error that is #rd/qux

not defined. I am using lein cljsbuild once

to create a project. Is this a limitation of ClojureScript or is it what cljsbuild

builds the project before the readers decide? In this case, how can I get leiningen to load the readers namespace before running cljsbuild?

EDIT: Please note that this example intends to use reader tags in the ClojureScript source code, not when reading ancillary data through read-string



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2 answers

This is currently not possible, but will be as soon as # CLJS-1194 and # CLJS-1277 . Hopefully this will happen very soon.

If you want to do this, just rename data_readers.clj

to data_readers.cljc

and use conditional readers.

As an aside, what's your use case for this?

Both # CLJS-1194 and # CLJS-1277 , so this should work as expected.



The mechanism for adding a custom reader tag in cljs is different. You have to call register-tag-parser!

that takes a tag and fn.

From cljs reading tests :

(testing "Testing tag parsers"
    (reader/register-tag-parser! 'foo identity)
    (is (= [1 2] (reader/read-string "#foo [1 2]")))


Your example:

(cljs.reader/register-tag-parser! 'rd/qux (fn [x] 'y))
(defn foo [x y] 
  (println #rd/qux x "prints y, not x due to reader tag."))




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