How do I get the id of a stored process?

I have multiple stored processes with the same name. To determine which process is currently running, I need to know the id of the stored process in the metadata. Can I find the STP ID somewhere? I couldn't find the variable containing the ID. I just found symget ('sysjobid'); which returns unix-processid, not the id of the saved process.

A typical stored process ID looks like this: A5DF0R0G.B80001L7

I need to know the id from the running process in order to get some properties of the process from the metadata.
Any other solution for identifying a process exactly in the metadata would also be welcome, but I cannot use its name because it can happen multiple times for different processes.

for example something like:

put 'name:' &_program; /*this already works and returns the name of the stored process*/
put 'id:' ?; /*need to know the id of the process, because name is not distinct*/



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2 answers

It's actually pretty easy when I look at it.

I created this STP sample (named "Doms Hello World") in my folder.

data _temp;
path = "&_PROGRAM";
format type ID $200.;
rc= metadata_pathobj("",path,"StoredProcess",type,ID);

proc print data=_temp noobs;


You can use a function metadata_pathobj()

to get the ID and TYPE of an item along a path.

This returns

X            path                                               type            ID                  rc
HELLO WORLD /User Folders/dpazzula/My Folder/Doms Hello World   ClassifierMap   A5XQ9K3Z.BA0002BQ   1


Both in EG and via the web app.



I don't think the saved process has an ID, but it is unique in terms of its location and name.

User variable _PROGRAM to determine which stored procedure to execute. It will be in the format "/ SAS Folder / Stored Procedure Folder / Stored Procedure Name".

Something like A5DF0R0G.B80001L7 ID of a stored procedure useful when running IOM applications, but I don't think it would be helpful when it comes to determining which stored procedure created something and where it was stored at the time, so I will come with "_PROGRAM".

If you don't care after the ID, use this code (credit: ):

* Purpose: Create a dynamic view of Stored Procedures registered in Metadata
* Notes  : You must establish a Metadata connection prior to running
data work.stplist(drop=_: label="SAS Stored Process List") /     view=work.stplist;
 length id $17 _uri name description _modified _created location _location    $256;
  length created modified 8;
  format created modified datetime.;
  label id="Metadata ID"
        name="Stored Process Name"
        location="Folder Location"
        modified="Last Modified";
  call missing(id, _uri, name, description, _modified, _created, _location);
  do while(_n le _nobj);
    * Get folder object the current STP is in *;
    * Get folder name the current STP is in *;
    * Loop up the folder hierarchy *;
    do while (_tree>0);
      * Get the parent folder object *;
      if _tree > 0 then do;
        * If there was a parent folder, get the name *;
        * Construct the path *;
    end; * Folder Hierachy *;
    location = '/'||location;


Regards, Vasilij



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