R: agrep with vector drawing

I have a vector of templates and need to use agrep

. The problem is agrep

apparently only accepts one template at a time.

patt <- c("test","10 Barrel")
lut  <- c("1 Barrel","10 Barrel Brewing","Harpoon 100 Barrel Series","resr","rest","tesr")

for (i in 1:length(patt)) {



[1] "rest" "tesr"
[1] "1 Barrel"                  "10 Barrel Brewing"         "Harpoon 100 Barrel Series"



slower on long templates, trying to do it in vectorized form:

VecMatch1 = function(string, stringVector){
  stringVector[agrep(string, stringVector, max = 1)]
a = VecMatch1(patt,lut)

Warning message:
In agrep(string, stringVector, max = 1) :
  argument 'pattern' has length > 1 and only the first element will be used


Could there be features like lapply

etc? Thank!!


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1 answer

Usage lapply


lapply(patt, agrep, x=lut, max.distance=c(cost=1, all=1), value=TRUE)

[1] "rest" "tesr"

[1] "1 Barrel"                  "10 Barrel Brewing"         "Harpoon 100 Barrel Series"


You can probably get better performance with dplyr or data.table.



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