Search in Realm. Sorted by fields

Another question about the kingdom.

I have this structure;

Class A has class B, which has a string name.

I want to sort a list of class A by B b which has the name "xy";

so this is how i tried but doesn't work.



This indicates that there is no field.

Any ideas how I can get it to work?



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2 answers

The kingdom does not yet support sorting by reference. There is an open issue tracking this.

Below is a workaround for Realm's support for this feature:

class A extends RealmObject {
    private B b;
    // Storing the as a field of A when calling setB(). But
    // remember you cannot do it by adding logic to setB() since Realm's
    // proxy will override the setters. You can add a static method to
    // achieve that.
    private String bName;

    // getters and setters

    // This needs to be called in a transaction.
    public static void setBObj(A a, B b) {


And then you can sort the results using bName like: realm.where(A.class).findAllSorted("bName",true);



I agree with @beeender, also you can use wrapper to do this in java style:

1.Define wrapper for A.class with

public class AWrapper {
    public AWrapper(A a){
        this.a = a;

    private A a;


2. Convert the entire RealmObject to your wrapper. Something like that:

List<AWrapper> wrapped = new ArrayList<>();
for(A a : realmSet){
   wrapped.add(new AWrapper(a))


  1. Implement your own comparator to compare some field with A.class

    private class OwnComparator implements Comparator<AWrapper>{
       int compare(AWrapper o1, AWrapper o2) {
           return o1.someField.compareTo(o2.someField)

  2. Sorting using utils.Collections class

    Collections.sort(wrapped, new OwnComparator())



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