Reagent-Forms Switches Displayed as Text Fields

I am trying to display a group of radio buttons in a reagent / cljs application. I followed the same process from , but the toggle buttons I show are rendered as textbox input fields.

(def ^:private options (atom nil))

(defn set-options []
(reset! options
      [{:name "label name"}
       {:name "label name"}
       {:name "label name"}])) 

(defn set-radio-buttons []
   (for [option @options]
          [:input {:field :radio}]
             (option :name)]]))

  (defn response-box []


Then I put the response block in the ui layer of the application.



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1 answer

The field is not a valid attribute on the input element.

[:input {:field :radio}]
         (option :name)]]))



[:input {:type :radio}]
         (option :name)]]))




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