ChartJS not showing when div is hidden

I have a tabbed angular app. These tabs show and hide the content of the div using the ng-show directive. Each div contains inside some canvas showing ChartJS charts.

When I scroll to another tab, I find that my charts are not showing until I repackage the page or make another request to my function to reload the charts requesting my server, even though all the data has already been loaded $ promise.

Here's my charts displaying correctly ...

enter image description here

But when I change the tab without a forced reload (the data is already loaded) this is what happens ...

enter image description here

This is my HTML

<section style="overflow-y:hidden" class="bg-white scroller-v" ng-init="AskForToggle()">
<div class="tab-nav clearfix">
    <ul class="side-padding-3x">
        <li data-ng-class="activeSubMenu('Actividades')">
            <a class="size-12x" data-ng-click="Show('Actividades')">Actividades</a>
        <li data-ng-class="activeSubMenu('Paginas')">
            <a class="size-12x" data-ng-click="Show('Paginas')">Compromiso</a>
        <li data-ng-class="activeSubMenu('Videos')">
            <a class="size-12x" data-ng-click="Show('Videos')">Videos</a>

<div class="col col-unpadded col-lg-2 col-md-3 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 side-menu">
    <ul class="list">
        <li><input type="date" ng-model="analyticsDateDesde" ng-change="ValidateDateDesde(analyticsDateDesde)" /></li>
        <li><input type="date" ng-model="analyticsDateHasta" ng-change="ValidateDateHasta(analyticsDateHasta)" /></li>
        <li><input type="button" ng-click="UpdateAnalytics()" value="Actualizar Fechas" style="color:white; background-color:#3c8dbc;border:#3c8dbc" /></li>
    <ul class="list">
        <li data-ng-repeat="user in users">
            <a data-ng-class="activeNav(user)" data-ng-click="$parent.selectedUser = user">{{}} {{user.lastName}}</a>

<div id="divActividades" class="col col-unpadded col-lg-10 col-md-9 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x:hidden;height: 100%;">
    Some charts

<div id="divPaginas" class="col col-unpadded col-lg-10 col-md-9 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x:hidden;height: 100%;">
    Some charts

<div id="divVideos" class="col col-unpadded col-lg-10 col-md-9 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x:hidden;height: 100%;">
    Some charts


And this angular controller of mine

appFlipped.controller("ClassTraceability", ["$rootScope", "$scope", "Courseware", "$timeout", "$window", function (n, t, i, to, window) {
    t.GetTypeClass = function (traza) {
        if (traza.tipoAccion == 'Video')
            return 'cd-timeline-img cd-movie';
        else if (traza.tipoAccion == 'Problem')
            return 'cd-timeline-img cd-picture';
            return 'cd-timeline-img cd-location';
    n.menuData = utils.courseMenu();

    t.activeNav = function (n) {
        return {
            active: t.selectedUser && ==
    t.users = [];
    t.selectedUser = null;
    t.timeOnPlatform = null;
    t.timeOnPlatformPerDayComparison = null;
    t.timeOnPlatformPerDay = null;

    i.init(n.routeData.classId).then(function () {
        i.users.queryClass().$promise.then(function (n) {
            t.users = n;
            n.length && (t.selectedUser = n[0]);

    t.$watch("selectedUser", function (n) {
        n != null && t.loadTraceability();

    t.UpdateAnalytics = function () {

    t.loadTraceability = function () {
        if (t.selectedUser != null) {
            var p = {
                courseURL: n.rutaParaAnalytics,
                fechaDesde: t.analyticsDateDesde,
                fechaHasta: t.analyticsDateHasta
            i.traceability.get(p).$promise.then(function (n) {
                t.Traceability = n.traceability;
                t.showTimeline = t.Traceability.length > 0 ? true : false;

                t.labelsTimeOnPlatform = n.timeOnPlatform[0];
                t.dataTimeOnPlatform = n.timeOnPlatform[1];

                t.labelsTimeOnPlatformPerDay = n.timeOnPlatformPerDay[0];
                t.dataTimeOnPlatformPerDay = n.timeOnPlatformPerDay[1];

                t.labelsTimeOnPlatformPerDayComparison = (n.timeOnPlatformPerDayComparison[0])[0];
                t.dataTimeOnPlatformPerDayComparisonClass = (n.timeOnPlatformPerDayComparison[0])[1];
                t.dataTimeOnPlatformPerDayComparisonStudent = (n.timeOnPlatformPerDayComparison[1])[1];

                t.totalVideoCount = n.genericVideoAnalytics[0];
                t.userTotalVideoCount = n.genericVideoAnalytics[1];
                t.totalMinutesVideosCount = n.genericVideoAnalytics[2];
                t.usertotalMinutesVideosCount = n.genericVideoAnalytics[3];

                t.videoTimeLabels = n.videoTime[0];
                t.videoTimeData = n.videoTime[1];

                t.videoTimePerDayLabels = n.videoTimePerDay[0];
                t.videoTimePerDayData = n.videoTimePerDay[1];

                t.videoTimePerDayComparisonLabels = (n.videoTimePerDayComparison[0])[0];
                t.videoTimePerDayComparisonClass = (n.videoTimePerDayComparison[0])[1];
                t.videoTimePerDayComparisonUser = (n.videoTimePerDayComparison[1])[1];

    t.PaginaVisible = 'Actividades';
    t.activeSubMenu = function (pagina) {
        if (t.PaginaVisible == pagina)
            return 'active';
            return '';

    t.Show = function (pagina) {
        if (pagina == 'Actividades') {
            angular.element("#divActividades")[0].style.display = 'block';
            angular.element("#divPaginas")[0].style.display = 'none';
            angular.element("#divVideos")[0].style.display = 'none';
            t.PaginaVisible = 'Actividades';
        if (pagina == 'Paginas') {
            angular.element("#divActividades")[0].style.display = 'none';
            angular.element("#divPaginas")[0].style.display = 'block';
            angular.element("#divVideos")[0].style.display = 'none';
            t.PaginaVisible = 'Paginas';
        if (pagina == 'Videos') {
            angular.element("#divActividades")[0].style.display = 'none';
            angular.element("#divPaginas")[0].style.display = 'none';
            angular.element("#divVideos")[0].style.display = 'block';
            t.PaginaVisible = 'Videos';


The most wired thing is that one of all charts is displayed! Does anyone face the same problem?



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1 answer

A similar issue has been reported here:

If the chart is contained in a div that is hidden and then displayed on the screen it will not display correctly (facing the same problem right now!). Which is typical for your charts in hidden tabs with ng-show . A workaround would be to redraw the chart on tab change.

This should be achieved using the myChart.update () method . And this can be caused, for example, in your Show .

I'll try different solutions from my end and update this answer accordingly. Hope this helps a little!



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