Getting error: Invalid output folder when using gulp - angular-templatecache to generate combined HTML template file

I am using Gulp for our build process. One of the main tasks that needs to be done is to merge all of our .html

template parts from all module folders into 1 .js

templateCache. Which creates just 1 user upload for all files HTML



Current Gulp setup and config setup:

var gulp          = require('gulp'),
    gutil         = require('gulp-util'),
    gulpif        = require('gulp-if'),
    uglify        = require('gulp-uglify'),
    concat        = require('gulp-concat'),
    sass          = require('gulp-ruby-sass'),
    streamqueue   = require('streamqueue'),
    sourcemaps    = require('gulp-sourcemaps'),
    templateCache = require('gulp-angular-templatecache'),
    runSequence   = require('run-sequence'),
    del           = require('del'),
    es            = require('event-stream');

var config = {
    destPartials: [



Gulp task :

/** HTML Template caching */
/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gulp.task('html-templates', function() {
    return gulp.src(config.srcPartials)


^ so as you can see above, I'm going to take all .html files from all folders listed in srcPartials

and run templateCache

on them and export to dest in destPartials


However, when getting this error:

Error: Invalid output folder in Gulp.dest

At first I thought that this task didn't automatically create the folder, so I went and created the folder app/templates

, but I still get this error :( any thoughts?


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1 answer

And just stumbled upon the answer: The output folder is a string, not an array.

~ @stevelality



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