Haskell: playing with TypeFamilies couldn't get the problem out

I have a game with TypeFamilies and such in Haskell. I am trying to create a simple example where I have a function that takes some type ( Parsers ty

) below, and a function that takes multiple arguments depending on that ty

and outputs some result.

Here's the whole piece of code up:

{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, TypeFamilies,GADTs #-}

data V a   --"variable"
data S a   --"static"
data C a b --combination

--define data type:
data Parsers ty where
  ParVar :: a -> Parsers (V a)
  ParStatic :: a -> Parsers (S a)
  ParCombine :: Parsers ty1 -> Parsers ty2 -> Parsers (C ty1 ty2)

--basic type alias to below, output set to Bool
type ExtractVars parsers = GetVars parsers Bool

--we want to convert some combination of C/S/V
--types into a function taking, from left to right,
--each type inside S as parameter
type family GetVars parsers output where
  GetVars (S a) output = output
  GetVars (V a) output = a -> output
  GetVars (C a b) output = GetVars a (GetVars b output)

--this function uses the above such that, hopefully,
--the second argument to be provided will be a function
--that will take each S type as an argument and return
--a bool. We then return that bool from the whole thing
getVars :: Parsers p -> ExtractVars p -> Bool
getVars (ParVar s) fn = fn s
getVars (ParStatic _) fn = fn
-- this is the offending line:
getVars (ParCombine a b) fn = getVars b (getVars a fn)


My Parsers ty

type seems to be correct; building things with it results in the types I would expect, for example:

ParVar "hi" 
  :: Parsers (V [Char])
ParCombine (ParVar "hi") (ParStatic "woop")
  :: Parsers (C (V [Char]) (S [Char]))
ParCombine (ParVar 'h') (ParCombine (ParStatic True) (ParVar "hello"))
  :: Parsers (C (V Char) (C (S Bool) (V [Char])))


Likewise, my type family GetVars

seems to be doing the right thing by doing conversions such as:

(C (V a) (V b)) out => a -> b -> out
(V a) out           => a -> out
(S a) out           => out
(C (S a) (V b) out  => b -> out


Basically, choosing the right things with tags V

in the right order and ignoring the S


Then my function GetVars

uses this in its type signature:

getVars :: Parsers p -> ExtractVars p -> Bool


To say that regardless p

, expect a function that matches my type alias ExtractVars p

and return a Bool


In my function, GetVars

these two definitions cause no problem:

getVars (ParVar s) fn = fn s
getVars (ParStatic _) fn = fn


but the last one:

getVars (ParCombine a b) fn = getVars b (getVars a fn)


Failed to type check with errors:

    Could not deduce (GetVars ty2 Bool ~ Bool)
    from the context (p ~ C ty1 ty2)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 ParCombine :: forall ty1 ty2.
                               Parsers ty1 -> Parsers ty2 -> Parsers (C ty1 ty2),
               in an equation for ā€˜getVarsā€™
      at test.hs:74:10-23
    Expected type: ExtractVars ty2
      Actual type: Bool
    Relevant bindings include b :: Parsers ty2 (bound at test.hs:74:23)
    In the second argument of ā€˜getVarsā€™, namely ā€˜(getVars a fn)ā€™
    In the expression: getVars b (getVars a fn)

    Could not deduce (GetVars ty1 Bool
                      ~ GetVars ty1 (GetVars ty2 Bool))
    from the context (p ~ C ty1 ty2)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 ParCombine :: forall ty1 ty2.
                               Parsers ty1 -> Parsers ty2 -> Parsers (C ty1 ty2),
               in an equation for ā€˜getVarsā€™
      at test.hs:74:10-23
    NB: ā€˜GetVarsā€™ is a type function, and may not be injective
    Expected type: ExtractVars ty1
      Actual type: ExtractVars p
    Relevant bindings include
      b :: Parsers ty2 (bound at test.hs:74:23)
      a :: Parsers ty1 (bound at test.hs:74:21)
    In the second argument of ā€˜getVarsā€™, namely ā€˜fnā€™
    In the second argument of ā€˜getVarsā€™, namely ā€˜(getVars a fn)ā€™
Failed, modules loaded: none.


(line 74 is ParCombine's failure to define getVars)

I hit my head on the table trying to figure out where I'm going wrong, but I donā€™t want to, and I want to get a solid assurance that the members of the type family look amazing (the above example is, for example, the ability to expect some type of function depending on input - it will be incredibly cool!)

Can anyone point me in the right direction or fix my possibly very stupid mistake?


(PS I am using GHC 7.10.1 and running this in ghci)

Edit . Just to say that this was an example of a few motivated paper types of families, in particular example sprintf here , I may have missed something important, trying to separate what I wanted from him!


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1 answer

Just to summarize getVars


getVars :: Parsers p -> GetVars p out -> out
getVars (ParVar s)       fn = fn s
getVars (ParStatic _)    fn = fn
getVars (ParCombine a b) fn = getVars b (getVars a fn)


With the original type getVars a fn :: Bool

, but we need getVars a fn :: ExtractVars ty2

. In general, if we want to do substantial computations in GADT, we must make sure we have a generic type of the type so that we can actually make recursive calls (since the type or type indices can change as we recurse).

As a side note, the idiomatic way to represent GADT indexes is to use DataKinds

deprecated types:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

data ParserTy a = V a | S a | C (ParserTy a) (ParserTy a)

data Parsers (ty :: ParserTy *) where
  ParVar :: a -> Parsers (V a)
  ParStatic :: a -> Parsers (S a)
  ParCombine :: Parsers ty1 -> Parsers ty2 -> Parsers (C ty1 ty2)


The rest of the code remains the same. So we can't pollute with ParserTy

arbitrary types that don't really belong there, and we can write exhaustive type families over it.



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