How do I call or invoke an INSERT function on one table based on the result of another table?

I know how to do this using SQL Server or Sybase but can't seem to get it right using Postgres 9.4. I have a FUNCTION that works as intended:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."welcome"(u_id INT DEFAULT 1234) 
  RETURNS "void" 
  AS $$
  INSERT INTO my_table_1 (title,body,category,user_id,created_at)
  VALUES ('Welcome!', '<some text>','general',u_id,now())
  $$ LANGUAGE sql


This function works as expected when called SELECT welcome(1234);

However, what I am trying to do is call or run this FUNCTION based on a condition AFTER

, the new user will be inserted into another table and this user will be the first and only user:

INSERT INTO my_table_2 (user_id,name,...) VALUES (5678,'John Doe',...);


and the following condition is met:

SELECT COUNT(*) from my_table_2 WHERE <my conditions are met>;


returns exactly and only 1

So, with sympathy, I am trying to accomplish:

call TRIGGER welcome(1234) AFTER INSERT into my_table_2 where my conditions are met

I've seen some examples and don't quite understand the syntax CREATE FUNCTION x() AS TRIGGER

, and it seems like Postgres is leading me in this direction, but there are no examples in my case. Help! (and thanks in advance!)


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1 answer

In the SQL standard, you define trigger

who fires a trigger function

when a certain action occurs. In your case, you want to create a trigger AFTER INSERT

whose trigger function calls your "hello" function.

First the trigger function:

CREATE FUNCTION call_welcome() RETURNS trigger AS $$
  cnt integer;
  SELECT count(*) INTO cnt FROM my_table_2 WHERE ...;
  IF cnt = 1 THEN
    PERFORM welcome(NEW.user_id);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


And the trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER tr_call_welcome
AFTER INSERT ON my_table_2




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