Angular UI router: setting autoscroll when viewing header does not scroll to top

TL; DR: With Angular UI Router is it possible to auto-scroll a view of the same state as its display?


I have an Angular app 1.4.1

using UI Router 0.2.15

and Angular Material 0.10.0


Plunk example

There is a parent state the name website

and three subsidiaries states: home

, foo

and bar


The parent state has a view wrapper

that is displayed via a tag <ui-view>

in the index.html

. It also has two other views, header@website

and footer@website

, which it renders using a view template wrapper


Each of the three child states has a view main

that is displayed through the parent state's view template wrapper


What i expect

In the view template of the parent state wrapper

, when I set autoscroll="true"

in the tag ui-view

for the view header@website

, I expect the page to scroll to the top whenever the state changes. See the accepted answer of this SO question .

What's happening

Clicking any of the links ui-sref

in the footer does not scroll to the top of the page.

What i tried

If I put autoscroll="true"

in a tag ui-view

for the main view, it works as expected. However, this is not what I want, because the title is hidden from view even when you navigate to the state from the address bar.

What i suspect

I think the problem has to do with what header@website

is a stateful view website

and what autoscroll

only works for views that are normally rendered in the current template. In other words, usually the view header

will be rendered through index.html

rather than wrapper.html



Is my suspicion higher than correct? Do I need refactoring, or is there a way to make this work as it is?

Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

While I am not advocating DOM manipulation outside the directive, a quick and dirty solution is to add a scrollTo method to .run

your top level module definition block , like so:

.run(function ($window, $rootScope) {

    $rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function () {

        var interval = setInterval(function () {
            if (document.readyState == "complete") {
                window.scrollTo(0, 0);
        }, 1);


(taken from here / ... )

I tried using the method $anchorScroll()

for ui-router, but since your links are at the bottom of the page, that is, where the page is scrolling, so you don't really notice anything.



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