Embed vs link to my dependencies: Best practices for .NET / NuGet package?

I am providing a C # /. NET class library to clients at my company as a NuGet package. My library depends on some other third party libraries (like Newtonsoft excellent Json.NET ).

I assume the standard NuGet way is that my package will only include references to other NuGet packages that I depend on. The Developer Studio client will automatically download these when you install the NuGet package into its project.

Question number 1:

How can I be sure that Developer Studio will download versions of the NuGet packages I created against, and not the "latest" versions?

Question number 2:

Will this cause problems if their project also uses a third party library that I am using (like Json.NET), especially if they are using a different version? "It just works," or do I need to do something?

Sorry if this is outlined somewhere, but I could not find specific answers to these questions.


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1 answer

This is clearly stated in the Nuspec Reference

In particular:

Setting dependencies

Starting with version 2.0, package dependencies can be specified depending on the structure profile of the target project. Element contains a set of elements. Each group contains zero or more elements and attributes of the target structure. All dependencies within a group are installed together if the target structure is compatible with the project structure profile.

      <dependency id="RouteMagic" version="1.1.0" />
   <group targetFramework="net40">
      <dependency id="jQuery" />
      <dependency id="WebActivator" />
   <group targetFramework="sl30">


Where version:

The range of versions acceptable as a dependency. This is usually just a version number, which represents the minimum version. However, the more explicit version range syntax is supported .

( update : updated links to more recent version of nuget)



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