How to hide "This is intentional?" warning in Ext JS 6?

I am currently developing an Ext JS 6 application with some levels of component inheritance where some alias mappings are overridden. Ext JS debug is so friendly that it lets me know every time I do it.

[W] Overriding existing mapping: '' From '' to ''. Is this intentional?


In my case, this is intentional. The warnings stack up and it gets harder to see the forest for the trees.

  • Is there some way to disable these assertions for only those intent classes?
  • Renaming all my aliases is the best solution?

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2 answers

I would recommend renaming your aliases.

Having two classes with the same alias can lead to problems when trying to instantiate one of them. There is already a great answer to this question for ExtJS 5 with a more detailed explanation. The basic concepts for ExtJs 6 are the same.

As an alias must always be unique (namespaced in it), it is probably a good idea to keep the warnings, just in case you ever miss something ...; -)

If you really want to suppress these warnings, you can still overwrite the Ext.log.warn function with an empty one . As you can see in ext / packages / core / src / class / Inventory.js there seems to be no other way.

Hope this answers your questions!



You can easily override the warning by making the "update" parameter set to true when addAlias

called addMapping


Ext.Inventory.prototype.addAlias = function(className,alias, update) {
    return this.addMapping(className, alias, this.aliasToName, this.nameToAliases, true);



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